Monday, May 31, 2010

New Wayne Cooper Ankle Boots + FOTD

Here's my face of the day, I took these pictures with the camera that I got from Target as a replacement to the one that broke - I mentioned that it gave a green tint to everything? You guys can see that right? Compared with my other pictures... I just don't think it really captures what is actually there... Hmmm. You can't even see my eyeshadow! but whatever.

In picture 3 you can see the scar - In a post a while back (april-ish) I explained how I banged my head and ended up in hospital? Well there's the scar! and eww at my bad skin! thats what late nights not taking off your makeup does. yuk yuk yuk.

These are my new pair of booties! I've been looking for some ankle boots for ages, but couldn't find any plain ones (most have studs/ruffles/etc) I'm still not 100% if I love them, I would have prefer one with more detail at the ankle! But they are gorgeous :) and I love the cute little zippers at the back.


Anonymous said...

those boots are b-e-a-uttttiful! xoxo

fern // FERNLAURA said...

very pretty and uh-ma-zinggg shoes! x

Nat Elizabeth said...

Gorgeous boots!
And don't worry, removing makeup the morning after is just standard..and you CANNOT talk about your skin it's almost flawless!

Anonymous said...

I love those ankle boots xx

eloise said...

those boots are hottt! you're really pretty btw :)

Krissy said...

this is really random, but i like your curtains in your room!! where did you get them from?

also love your pink laptop hehe :)

April said...

love your booties!

Nadia said...

love the shoes!! <3